Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to Teach Legends in the Classroom

Malaysia is home to many natural wonders, which are wreathed in legends. From popular island getaways to tranquil lakes and awe-inspiring mountains, there are fascinating stories behind them all. Be enthralled by these mystifying tales, which have been told and retold over the years from one generation to the next. Rich in adventure and sagas about fairies, heroes, magic curses and heavenly celestial beings, these legends are fascinating to all. Interesting characters, some heroic, others destructive make these legends most engaging. Below is the list of legends found in Malaysia.

Using legends to teach is a way to get children interested and learning through fun stories. Above are some good legends that teachers can use as platforms to teach similes, metaphors, personification and more. Below are the stages in teaching legends.

1.       Introduce to the students the definition of a legend. Explain that a legend is a story handed down from generation to generation and included information about the past. They usually take place during a specific time in history and in a specific place.
2.      Read aloud a legend to get children familiar with what a legend is. Discuss questions with the class such as what the legend tells you about the time period, what characters of the story were important, what parts of the legend makes it interesting to people.
3.      Check your state standards and see what specific standards your students need to know. As a class, begin to read the story given. As the story is read, list on chart paper the structural elements of the legend. Save the chart paper and later, as you read different genres, such as fairy tales, fables and myths, begin to discuss with children the structural differences.
4.      Introduce vocabulary words that students are not familiar with. Provide students with a student-friendly definition that they will understand. Have them record it in a vocabulary notebook.
5.      Focus on figurative language that takes place in the story and point it out to the students as you go through the text, such as similes, metaphors, hyperbole and personification. Have the class record them in a notebook.
6.      Map the story using a graphic organizer. Have children list the characters, setting the problem and the events that take place in chronological order.

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